What's Missing?
We had so much fun this past week! We played a game called 'What's Missing?" Chris set out a board with different natural objects such as a bone, moss, rock, stick, geode, etc. and when the children closed their eyes he would remove an object. When they opened their eyes they figure out which one is missing. Everyone took turns hiding the object and adding more to the board.

We also tapped a Maple tree to collect sap for syrup, which we plan to eat with pancakes next week! The kids helped drill the holes.

The little creek basin has been a favorite place to play lately. We've been having creek picnics, sinking in the "quicksand", and throwing big rocks in the deepest part.

There is always a lot of storytelling and art making at Fairywood. Many kids chose to dictate stories and draw in their journals. Others explored the hot glue, melting crayons and painting on a large surface.

We also spent some time feeding the alpacas.