Saving the Minnows
September was very dry and we were all noticing that the ponds in the big creek were getting smaller each day and the minnows were running out of water to swim in. So we decided to get some nets and buckets and move as many minnows as we could over to a deeper pond downstream.
We went on our first saunter deep into the forest. Mandy found a real arrowhead in the little creek! We also found a giant beech tree and some hills and fallen trees to climb on.
It finally rained a bit last week, the mud kitchen rain barrel filled up, and it became a popular place for dramatic play and mixing up nuts, gem corn, leaves and grating chalk with cheese graters.
Teddy was excited to share his film cannister rocket experiment with the Wednesday class. He used alka selzter tablets and vinegar. We were all amazed at how high they flew! Here's a video:
Leaf rubbings, Leaf Monster game, dramatic sword battles, storytelling, measuring weight with a giant balance, balance walking, painting, and the Tree Blindfold game.
We went on a walk to the bamboo forest where we cut a few bamboo trees to make broomsticks.